Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hoppy Easter! Or just a springtime activity.

I don't know about you but my favorite spring time activity is making bunnies.  I love the cotton balls and the way the kids glue them on and are so proud when they are done. To keep the bunnies 3d this year I made them out of a paper cup. It isn't like I want these materials to get boring, I just want you to use all of the ones that you bough, so as not to waste.
Necessary Items For This Project:
A white paper cup
Cotton balls
White paper for ears
Pink crayon to color in ears
Objects For Extra Pizazz
Googly Eyes
Plastic Lacing thread (Whiskers)
Colored Cotton Balls (for a dramatic effect ;))

To start out I freehand cut out the bunny ears and glued them on to the cups.

The cutting and the coloring of the ears was nothing special. You could add glitter or foam paint on the ears to make them stand out a little more.  I have to make 10 for my classroom so here are the school of nakie bunnies...
Next I had the kids paint the cups with glue.  We then stuck the cotton balls and other white collage material(like packing peanuts, white pom poms and plox) to the cup. Some kids got crazy.  This one is my favorite.  We couldn't even find the ears.

So when they had some time to dry I glued the googly eyes on the cotton balls, or on the paper cup itself.  The whiskers were a fun addition.  I used purple lacing thread and made 4 strand whiskers.  I wish we would have had fishing line to make them clear. Here is the whole class of bunnies.  So cute.

(Never mind the blue tape on the one in the middle, we had to put it on to keep the beehive hair to dry appropriately)

Here is a close up

(Again sorry about the nap time picture!)

Have A Hoppy Easter!

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